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Ozebaw the Unwholesome was a dretch demon of the Demonweb Pits.[1]

Me chew your tears! Me drink your fears!
Num! Delicious! Me swallow it whole!
— Ozebaw[1]


Glarb! Its pain is all gristle. Stringy!
— Ozebaw[1]

During the Darkening and the Sschindylryn invasion of Eveningstar in the mid-1480s DR,[note 1] Ozebaw lurked in the Demonweb Pits. It may have run across adventurers from Eberron who sought a way to Toril.[1]



  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


