Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Pact of the Blade was a type of pact between a warlock and their patron in which the warlock received a distinctive weapon.[1]


The warlock could create the magical pact weapon in their hand at will, with its type chosen each time it was created. They could only create melee weapons,[1] but more veteran warlocks could master a certain eldritch invocation that allowed them to creating bows and crossbows of various forms. Moreover, such a weapon became lightly enchanted and could be used as a spell focus.[2] If the pact weapon was out of the warlock's reach for more than a minute, it would vanish, but the warlock could simply summon another. It would also vanish if the warlock willed it, summoned a different weapon, or died.[1]

With other invocations, a warlock's pact weapon could drink the life-force of those it struck to inflict more serious injuries, or they could move and attack twice as often with it than was normal.[3]


In the 15th century DR, Pact of the Blade warlocks could be found in parts of the Sword Coast.[4]


