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Pakli was a militaristic Revered Counselor of the great Nexalan empire whose rule started less than 100 years before the arrival of the Golden Legion in 1361 DR.[1]


Pakli's reign started after the death of the Revered Counselor Izco II, less than a century before the Night of Wailing that ended the Nexalan empire. The nobles of Nexal thought that after two peaceful rulers, the empire needed a sterner hand, and they picked the next Revered Counselor from among generals. Pakli immediately started three military campaigns against Nexal's enemies – Otomis, Huacli, and Kultaka, as well as launched a march across Pezelac to subjugate the jungle Payitlan people.[1]

The campaigns were all strains on Nexal's coffers, and conquest's gains did not refill the treasury when everything was over. The war with Kultaka was a monumental failure as Nexala learned nothing from previous campaigns. Kultakan army broke the Nexala troops, too undermanned for the task, with traps, and ambushes, sending half of them back to the Valley of Nexal in panic and losing the other half. Nexala army was locked in a stalemate with the Otomis in the mountains but suffered subsequent defeat when the invaders' morale was broken from the news of the Kultakans' triumph. Pakli conquered three out of five Otomis city-states, all revolting with the news and cutting Nexala army supply lines. The rebellion lasted for three flowing years in the subjugated Otomis and Huacli cities.[1]

Revered Counselor Pakli's disastrous military aspirations brought little to Nexal but captured slaves and loss of lies and resources. His reign lasted for 14 years and was wasted on ending rebellions stoked by disastrous failures of the Revered Counselor. Pakli's death in the Year of the Trumpet, 1301 DR was welcomed by Nexala nobility. They refused to forget the empire's militaristic past and selected yet another warrior as the next Revered Counselor – Chalco, Pakli's cousin, several times removed.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Douglas Niles (August 1991). “A Journey to the True World”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), pp. 30–31. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.