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The Path of the Totem Warrior was a primal path for barbarians that involved spiritual attunement to supernatural beings. Known as totem warriors or wildheart barbarians,[1] these tribal warriors adopted spirit animals as their patrons, who acted as their sacred guides in life and protective guardians in battle.[2][3]


These barbarians often adopted physical characteristics of their totem animal. It was not unheard of for the skin of these barbarians to thicken like hide, or even for their eyes to change color.[2]


The Path of the Totem Warrior was believed to be something of a mystical journey for barbarians. The totem spirit to which they attuned was often linked to their specific tribe.[2] The Uthgardt barbarians of the North nearly always walked this primal path, in contrast to their berserker brethren among the Reghedmen tribes of the Frozenfar.[3]

While not unheard of, it was rather unusual for a barbarian to take on more than one animal spirit as their guide. Among the spirits most commonly adopted by totem warriors were Bear, Eagle, Wolf,[2] Elk, and Tiger.[3] Some more "civilized" warriors adopted other animals as their totem spirits, including crows, giant spiders, and even flying snakes.[4]

The Uthgardt venerated the five primary animal spirits, each of which was associated with one or more of their tribes. Barbarians of Blue Bear and Thunderbeast tribes each adopted Bear as the totem spirit, though the latter also attuned specifically to Tiger. Similarly, the Black Raven and Sky Pony tribes were closely bonded to Eagle, but the latter took on the bestial aspects of Elk.[3]


When attuning to their spirit, they crafted a physical totem in the form of jewelry or a handheld item, that represented the spirit animal itself. These totems were made using bones, claws, feathers, or other pieces of the animal's body.[2]


As they forged their bond with the natural world, totem warriors learned how to perform rituals that granted them greater empathy and even allowed them to speak with wild animals. More veteran barbarians could even learn to commune with nature to gain insight over the physical world around them.[2]

These warriors learned to channel the spirit of their totem animal during their rages in battle. Over time they were even granted magical boons by their spirit animal in the form of bestial aspects and totemic attunement, the latter of which manifested during their rages.[2]



Video Games
Baldur's Gate III



5th Edition Subclasses
