Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Phandelver's Pact was a pact made circa the 10th century DR.[note 1][1]


The pact was, initially, an agreement between a gnome and dwarf clan. Later, a group of human spellcasters and those of the town of Phandalin became allied with them.[1]

The formal agreement of the pact was essentially that the three parties would share the profits of the Wave Echo Cave. The cave had great mineral wealth, and was highly magical. The human mages, along with the original clans of the pact, bound the magical energy into a forge known as the Forge of Spells. The magical forge could be used to enchant items, such as dwarven weapons and gnomish gadgets.[1]


After the pact was established, all parties benefited greatly. Phandalin, especially, became very prosperous.[1] The benefits of the pact were outlined in the document, The Wonders of Phandalin.[2]

In 951 DR,[3][4] orcs from Uruth Ukrypt laid waste to the entire town of Phandalin leaving only a few burnt out shells behind. All parties of the pact fought together, but were severely outmanned, and were eventually overthrown. The successful pact ceased to exist once the orcish brutes destroyed most of the area. The cavern became lost to history.[1]

In 1491 DR,[note 2] Gundren Rockseeker believed he had found the location of the legendary mines of the Phandelver's Pact.[1]



  1. Phandelver appears to be a concatenation of "Phandalin", the town close to the mine, and "delver", a term used for those who descended down into the mines.
  2. Pages 30‒31 of Lost Mine of Phandelver describe the eruption of Mount Hotenow (1451 DR) as occurring "30 years ago", which would place the adventure in 1481 DR. When the adventure was later remade into Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, this 30 year time frame was kept (pages 50 & 53). However, pages 103 and 179 of Acquisitions Incorporated, a source published after the former, state that the events described in the adventure happen five years after both Lost Mine of Phandelver and Princes of the Apocalypse. Since the latter is explicitly set in 1491 DR, and considering this answer by Ed Greenwood about dating the adventure, this wiki will use 1491 DR for events related to both versions of the adventure.


Referenced only
Lost Mine of Phandelver
Video Games
Referenced only
Baldur's Gate III

