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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Phoenix Tail Inn was the only inn within the Crossroad Keep's walls on the Sword Coast North in the late 14th century DR.[1]


The Phoenix Tail Inn was a three-story building that stood in the southern part of the Crossroad Keep. Its first floor was made out of stone bricks, while the second and third floors were wooden. A single sign hung above the inn's entrance.[1]


The inn had a spacious dining hall decorated with rustic furniture, carpets, dining tables, and couches and chairs. A stone fireplace had the head of a large wolf mounted over it.[1]


The Phoenix Tail Inn was taken over by Sal of Neverwinter in the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, after the Crossroad Keep was liberated by the adventurer known as the Kalach-Cha, who was assigned to be its Knight-Captain. Sal was a barkeep who worked at a tavern run by the Knight-Captain's uncle in Neverwinter. Sometime after the Shadow War of 1374 DR, Sal sold the struggling business to Huldur. Under the new ownership, the Phoenix Tail Inn fed local laborers who worked for the Keep and passing adventurers and hunters who dealt with local worg infestation. Some of these individuals were Ulweth, a dwarf worg hunter; Daija of Waukeen who stayed there until she opened a shrine in the fortress; and Nall, an adventurer-turned-militia instructor.[1]



