Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Poisoned Words is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset. It is part of the Waterdeep series of adventures published for the D&D Adventurers League. It focuses on Skullport, and is an adventure designed for 5th- to 10th-level characters. It is part two of the Skullport Shakedown Trilogy.

Your search for Volo’s key in Skullport has you playing a dangerous game between The Xanathar Guild, Bregan D’aerthe, and the Zhentarim. In the Port of Shadow, how do you know who you can trust when lives are on the line?[1]



BhinrosBosskyn GorrbBruldryn BlackfyreCory'bant'exDurquinFel'rekt LafeenKrebbyg Masq'il'yrLiriel Delco'sicetSundethTasselgryn VelldarnZsoksia
Referenced only
Halaster BlackcloakJarlaxleNaris'yonYraxilinith


bugbeardrowduergarflameskullflying snakegiant spiderhalf-ogrehobgoblinhumannimblewrightphase spiderropersvirfneblinsword wraithtieflingtritonwyvernyochlol
Referenced only
half-drowmind flayerwererat


Buildings & Structures
The Poisoned Quill
Inns & Taverns
Keel Hall
Sword Coast
Referenced only


potion of heroismpotion of speedpotion of vitality
alter selfanimal friendshipbanishmentbeacon of hopeBigby's handblinding smiteblurbranding smiteburning handschain lightningchill touchcloudkillcommandcone of coldconjure animalscounterspellcrown of madnesscrusader's mantlecure woundsdancing lightsdarknessdetect magicdetect poison and diseasedetect thoughtsdimension doordispel magicdivinationdivine favordominate monstereldritch blastetherealnessEvard's black tentacleseyebitefaerie firefearfind steedfire boltfire shieldfireballflame strikeflaming sphereflyfreedom of movementgiant insectglobe of invulnerabilitygreater invisibilitygreater restorationguardian of faithguidanceguiding bolthealing wordhold monsterice stormidentifyinsect plagueinvisibilitylesser restorationlevitatelightlightning boltmage armormage handmagic missilemagic weaponmass cure woundsmendingmind blankminor illusionmirror imagemisty steppoisonpoison sprayprayer of healingprestidigitationprotection from evil and goodprotection from poisonraise deadray of frostray of sicknessremove curseresistancerevivifysacred flamesanctuaryscryingshattershieldshield of faithshocking graspsilencespare the dyingspeak with deadspirit guardiansspiritual weaponstoneskinsuggestionteleportteleportation circlethaumaturgythunderous smitetime stoptrue resurrectionvampiric touchwall of forcewall of icewater walkwebwitch bolt


Bregan D'aertheXanathar's Thieves' Guild
Player Factions
Emerald EnclaveHarpersLords' AllianceOrder of the GauntletZhentarim


Referenced only


  • D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster: Chris Lindsay
  • D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Chris Lindsay, Adam Lee, Mike Mearls, Ari Levitch
  • D&D Adventurers League Administrator(s): Claire Hoffman, Lysa Chen, Travis Woodall, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick, Amy Lynn Dzura
  • Art Director and Graphic Designer: Rich Lescouflair
  • Interior Art: Provided by Wizards of the Coast
  • Playtesters: James Bowen, Travis Fuller, Wayne Fuller, Derek Gray, Gregory Harris, Jawsh Murdock, Kevin Neff, Daniel Oliveira, Sam Robertson, Dave Rosser, James Schweiss, Jia Jian Tin, Marcello Velazquez


External links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ben Heisler (2018). Poisoned Words (DDAL08-11) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Waterdeep (Wizards of the Coast), p. 1.

