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Presman Taliemin was an Oghmanyte high priest in the city-state of Saelmur, in the Land of the Lions region of south Faerûn, in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]


Presman served as the high priest of Saelmur's local temple of Oghma, the Library of the Binder. And like Saelmur's other religious leaders, he also served as a member of the city-state's governing council, the Councilium of Prelates.[1]


Around 1370 DR, Presman was frequently being pressured by his clergy to rally aid to the Oghmanytes who were operating a resistance movement in Mintar against the Knights of the Black Gauntlet,[1] an order of Banite crusaders who had conquered and occupied that neighboring city-state since the Year of the Helm, 1362 DR.[2] But unlike some of his fellow Prelates, Presman was undecided on the matter of whether Saelmur should engage the Knights' forces in war sooner or later.[1]


