Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Protection from evil and good, also called protection from alignment, was a defensive spell that protected a caster from either evil or good alignment.[5][4]


This spell was cast on a willing individual. During casting, the caster selected which alignment to defend against. When cast, this spell protected an area around a targeted creature. Within this area, immunity was granted against mind-affecting effects or spells used by the selected alignment. The spell also provided minimal protection against physical attacks from creatures of the selected alignment, such as celestials (good) or fiends (evil). The spell made it more difficult for such creatures to attack the individual. It also prevented the individual from being charmed or possessed.[4][5]


In addition to verbal and somatic components, the spell required a material component: either holy water or a blend of powdered iron and silver. The spell consumed these materials during casting.[5]


See Also[]


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