Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Purifier was a holy avenger bastard sword that could only be recovered and wielded by the more pure and just paladins from amongst the Realms.[1]


Purifier possessed a powerful +4 enchantment and granted its wielder some protection from spells and other magical effects. It was particularly harmful against the most lawless and despicable beings that someone could encounter.[1]

Twice per day, its wielder could dispel away any magical effects that surrounded its wielder.[1]

The imp Cespenar was somewhat familiar with this weapon, and knew it could be improved by setting the jewel known as the Eye of Tyr within its pommel.[1]


It was believed the sword once belonged to the famous paladin Sir Wediyer and lost when he chased down a pit fiend through an extra-planar portal.[1]

While it was believed the Purifier was lost forever, it was in fact embedded into a rock formation found within the labyrinthine third level of Watcher's Keep.[1]


According to legend, Purifier was "infused with the very essence of virtue".[1]



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