Raegen Brunegar was a mercenary who worked out of Daggerford during the late 14th century DR.[1]
She was a bit taller than average. She proudly displayed the emblem of Helm on her shield and held her chin up with a sense of pride.[1]
Raegen was a brusque and unsociable individual. While she preferred to work independently, she understood that to acquire work she occasionally had to fight alongside comrades. She was not much for small talk and preferred action, particularly combat, over conversation. She appreciated people who were not swayed by rank or money and believed that trust was to be earned, not given freely.[1]
Raegen felt strongly for the plight of simple folk, especially when their lords were unable or refused to help. She desired to help in any way she could.[1]
A devote follower of Helm, she did respect Lathander, calling him a worthy god, even though somewhat gaudy.[1]
Raegen felt a certain slight envy of druids and their ability to find reverent beauty in nature.[1]
Raegen Brunegar was a tall and strong woman who could swing her sword, use heavy shields, and wear plate armor, all while moving with cat-like grace and fluidity.[1]
Raegen had a unique sword that was blessed by the deity Helm,a tower shield that bore his divine symbol, and a set of heavy armor covered with a blue Helmite woolen tunic.[1]
Raegen was a Helmite Captain of the Gem Guards until she uncovered corruption withing the organizations' rank. This deeply disturbed her and shaken her belief in the faction's god, Helm. She examined her feelings and yearned Helm's guidance. After days of agonizing, she decided that justice was above all other loyalties. Raegen felt the sense of duty for the fellow members of the Guard who did not fall to corruption. She decided to expose the culprits to purify the Gem Guards. The Guards' dispatcher Cantos Riverhorn was the new member of the group who was unconcerned with rules and laws which let to the Guards' lax attitudes and unbecoming behaviors. One day Raegen found an anonymous note stuffed under her barracks' door. The note detailed the Guards' infiltration by the local thieves guild, the King's Tears. Raegen reported the intel to Cantos. In response, he pulled a document signed by a large group of guards that accused Raegen Brunegar of gem theft from the mines. She was arrested and sentenced to mine work alongside orc slaves and criminals. She was given the toughest treatment by the fellow guards as they saw her as nothing but a traitor.[1]
Years after the events of the Gem Guards exposure, Raegen was still torn by feelings of guilt, what if she left the organization, instead of pursuing justice.[1]
After laving the Gem Guards, Raegen found mercenary work, often accompanying caravans along the Trade Way. She stoically endured long excruciating ten-hour guard shifts in pouring rain and not a piece of food or water in her stomach. Raegen's resilience proved to be her main asset during that harsh time of her life.[1]
In 1372 DR, Raegen found herself in Daggerford looking for mercenary work. She ended up stranded in the city when the Griffons mercenary company closed the city off, preventing her from moving on to Waterdeep in search of more appropriate work. During that time, she was staying in the Happy Cow tavern. It was there, when she was approached by a group of adventurers working with Astriel Shalyn who were investigating the suspicious "death" of Duke Pwyll Daggerford and general unrest in the region. Raegen Brunegar agreed to join them due to lack of other work.[1]
- Video Games
- Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford