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Rat's End was an establishment in Heliogabalus as of the mid-14th century DR.[1]


Once at some point between 1358 and 1370 DR[note 1] while tossing dice in Rat's End, the initiate Pavel Shemov was accused of cheating. It took the intercession of gangster Kosef Demsk to keep the situation from getting dire; afterwards, the two men struck a friendship.[1]



  1. The story is assumed to occur during the reign of Gareth Dragonsbane, as Pavel Shemov claims the king is "a paladin of Ilmater" and this happens at least 2 years prior to 1373. Gareth Dragonsbane rose to power in 1359 DR, with no other kings of Damara known to be such paladins of Ilmater. The events are alluded to happen a summer prior to the events in the story. Thus, this article is written under the assumption that the events of Silverfish occur between 1358 and 1370 DR.


Short Stories
The Silverfish


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Richard Lee Byers (January 2005). “The Silverfish”. In Erik Mona ed. Dragon #327 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), pp. 38–39.