The Red Boar Trading Coster was a coster based in the city of Loudwater in the Delimbiyr Vale in the late 14th century DR. It was led by Deldron Rein of the Rein family.[1]
For a trading coster, the Red Boars had a significant guard—practically a private army. It was led by Deldron's son, Stedd Rein.[1]
One of their most preferred caravan captains was Geveral Telkku.[2]
Its employees wore their own livery.[3]
The Rein family owned a pair of coasters that operated between Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.[4]
When his son Stedd returned from the College of War in Athkatla in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, while he was still en route to Loudwater, Deldron departed the city to greet his son and conduct business in Daggerford, taking the Red Boar Trading Coster's sizeable guard with him. But a magical communication from Loudwater alerted Deldron about a vicious lycanthrope attack, known as the Night of the Blood Moon, and the Reins and their Red Boar guard hastened to return. Deldron sent Stedd ahead with half his forces while he followed close behind.[1]
Stedd and the Red Boar guard arrived in Loudwater on the third day of the conflict, linking with Gauntlets Kalahar Twohands and Harazos Thelbrimm. Twohands and Thelbrimm divided the city into quadrants for defense by their own armies, the Red Boar guard, and the elven house guards. Stedd opened the Red Boar's stores and equipped his forces with nearly forty alchemical silver weapons. Then, on the third night, Stedd Rein rallied his Red Boar forces and charged desperately through the Malarites' ranks, fighting all the way with silver blades and battle spells, to reach Standing Stone Hill in an effort to rescue the Green Regent Galaer Grasswave. It was a valiant effort, but too far and too hard to be successful. For his courage and leadership, Stedd Rein earned praise and accolades.[1]
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See Also[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Stephen Radney-MacFarland (2003-06-25). A Fellowship Rises. Legacy of the Green Regent. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2016-11-01. Retrieved on 2021-09-03.
- ↑ Ving Domanski (2003). Legacy of the Green Regent: Key to Phantoms' Cloister. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 11.
- ↑ Greg Marks (2005). Legacy of the Green Regent: To Sever the Snake's Head. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 4.
- ↑ Stephen Radney-MacFarland (2003-09-15). Dispel Confusion Issue 1. Legacy of the Green Regent. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2016-11-01.