Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Red Tree was a large aspen tree and prominent landmark found within Immil Vale in Rashemen.[1]

Chauntea, Great Mother of the Land, divine warden of all that grows, know that the Ashenwood is stricken with a powerful blight. Grant me your blessing, that I might reverse the damage it has wrought.
— Kalach-Cha's prayer to Chauntea upon the Red Tree.[2]


Half of the Red Tree's leaves constantly changed colors as if it were autumn.[1] The tree itself was a massive and gnarled tree of great age, surrounded by faint but palpable aura of energy.[2]


Imsha and Tamlith, who were a pair of telthor hathrans, were tied to the Red Tree. They imparted advice to wychlaran, provided the questions regarded Rashemen's security.[1]


In the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Ashenwood became afflicted by a mysterious blight that started withering trees and drove treants berserk. The hero known as Kalach-Cha witnessed the blight firsthand when the group arrived at the frost in search of the Wood Man, a nature spirit and forest guardian. In attempts to cure the outbreak, Kalach-Cha resorted to asking the goddess Chauntea for aid through anointing in a sacred brew and praying at the base of the Red Tree. The goddess responded and let the heroes know with a wave of warmth that radiated from the tree and penetrated the adventurers' bodies, sating the Spirit-Eater's hunger for a blissful moment.[2]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

