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Red musk zombies were the remains of humanoids that succumbed to the effects of red musk creepers, separate but related to yellow musk creepers and their zombies.[1]

At first, I thought this was Yellow Musk Creeper pollen at work. Now I see it is related… though a far more dangerous strain. Call it Red Musk Creeper, if you will. It must be wiped from the face of Eveningstar!


Red musk zombies resembled lumpen green humanoids with irregular growths and distorted proportions. They were unable to speak and simply clubbed their victims with their misshapen, thorny paws.[1]


Huhhh… That smell… Know that smell… Can't remember…
— Aeron Leifbrand, dying of the infection[1]

On exposure to red musk creeper pollen, victims became feverish, confused, erratic, and violent. As it progressed they became deathly ill before succumbing entirely and being overtaken by the plant's form. While patients could be healed and cleansed of the disease in the earlier stage, there was no return from becoming a zombie as the victim was functionally replaced by the plant.[1]

The humanoids turned to zombies were fully consumed by plant-matter and no longer functioned as animals, lacking most of the biological functions, thought processes, and organs inherent to most creatures. They absorbed electrical shocks to an extent, taking less damage and gaining a temporary boost of energy.[1]

The most powerful zombies grew red musk creepers upon their bodies, allowing them to infect others.[1]


Drow coming… must… to arms, men. Oh…
— Mikhael Jarvin, dying of the infection[1]

Red musk creepers and their zombies were first seen after the maddened druid Halsaime deployed them as weapons against the inhabitants of Eveningstar during the drow invasion of the mid-1480s DR.[note 1] The innocent ranger Peron Uthe carried the infection from Thorngap and quickly succumbed at the Eveningstar War Hospital, transforming into a zombie and infecting other patients. Only the timely intervention of adventurers was able to save the day, along with the head priest Hurim Jaskyr developing an inoculation against the disease that allowed Peron Uthe to be safely destroyed. More zombies were found in his home of Uthe Lodge accompanying the dryad Sylvie, and deep in the Thorngap at Thorn Hollow and Druid's Deep protecting Halsaime.[1]


See Also[]

  • Yellow musk zombie


  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


