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Robyn Kendrick was the ward of the king of Caer Corwell and later High Queen and the Great Druid of the Earthmother in the Moonshae Isles in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[4][2][3]


Robyn was a beautiful young lady with bright green eyes and thick black hair.[1]


Unlike most ladies on Corwell, Robyn wore a rust-colored cape over her dark green leggings.[1][4] She also wore a torque that she found in a firbolg stronghold while rescuing Keren Donnell.[7]


Robyn was friends with the halfling Pawldo and felt a strong connection to Tristan Kendrick.[1]


Robyn found out by accident she had druidic powers while fighting a group of firbolgs in Llyrath Forest in the Year of the Saddle, 1345 DR.[8]





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Douglas Niles (May 1987). Darkwalker on Moonshae. (TSR, Inc.), p. 15. ISBN 0-88038-451-4.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Dale Donovan, Paul Culotta (August 1996). Heroes' Lorebook. (TSR, Inc), pp. 104–105. ISBN 0-7869-0412-7.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Douglas Niles (May 1987). Darkwalker on Moonshae. (TSR, Inc.), p. 16. ISBN 0-88038-451-4.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Ed Greenwood, et al (1989). Hall of Heroes. (TSR, Inc), pp. 44–46. ISBN 0-88038-711-4.
  5. Douglas Niles (March 1992). Prophet of Moonshae. (TSR, Inc), p. ?. ISBN 1-56076-319-1.
  6. Douglas Niles (November 1987). Moonshae. Edited by Mike Breault. (TSR, Inc.), p. 60. ISBN 0-88038-494-8.
  7. Douglas Niles (May 2011). Darkwalker on Moonshae. (Wizards of the Coast), loc. 2393. ISBN 978-0-7869-5958-7.
  8. Douglas Niles (May 1987). Darkwalker on Moonshae. (TSR, Inc.), p. XX. ISBN 0-88038-451-4.