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Rukimbaru was the second-largest city in Wa and one of its former capitals. It was the home of the emperor and his Imperial Palace.[1]


Besides being the home of the emperor, the city was known for its high standards of excellence in both education and manufacturing. It was a major cultural, political, and religious center for Wa.[1]


Rukimbaru was a port city located on the east coast of the island of Tsukishima about midway from the northern to the southern tip.[1][3] Immediately north of the city were rich iron mines. Immediately south of the city were terraced rice fields.[1]

Tawata Road connected Rukimbaru to Uwaji in the south,[1][3] and another road led north from Rukimbaru to Chozawa.[3]


The daimyo of the city in Wa Year 1775 (1357 DR) was Matasuuri Kimmu.[2] He was greatly loved by his people.[4]

The military governor during the same year was Tekinjo Yojairo. Yojairo's role was to act as an intermediary between the emperor and the shogun.[5]


The military forces present to defend the city at any time included 850 mounted samurai, 400 additional samurai on foot, and 100 sohei.[1]


Rukimbaru had a very strong and diverse economy. There were industrial districts that produced textiles, works of art, and tools. Traditional artisan's secrets were passed down from generation to generation here, which meant that the city was known for the best furniture, jewelry, and lacquerware. Rukimbaru was also especially known for the production of the best sake in the empire.[1]

From Rukimbaru's thriving ports sailed daily silk, rice, and all manner of vegetables.[1]


At one time in history, Rukimbaru was the capital of Wa.[1] Sometime before the year 1663 in the Wa calendar (1245 DR), the capital had moved to Iiso.[6]

Notable Locations[]

Rukimbaru was full of museums, schooling centers, and temples, some of which were the oldest shrines in existence on Toril. Among the most notable schools was the Shinobugaoaka, a major university, which housed the greatest library in Wa.[1]

The city was also noted for its many beautiful tea gardens (rojo), placed far from the commercial centers for peacefulness.[1]

The most notable site was of course the Imperial Palace, the mansion palace of the emperor and his relatives, which was carved from white stone with pink latticework.[1]


Besides the emperor's family, the military governor and multiple deputies of the shogun resided in the city.[1]

The culture of Rukimbaru's citizens was among the most traditional of all Wanese cities.[1]

Besides the emperor, among the more notable of Rukimbaru's inhabitants were:


