Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Runic marker was a type of conjuration spell.[1]


When cast, this spell created a pillar of stone, 6 feet (1.8 meters) in height and 2 feet (0.61 meters) in diameter. The shape of the pillar was determined by the caster and it had to be a solid structure with no hollow spaces within. The caster could also inscribe a message of up to twenty-five characters upon the pillar.[1]

The purpose of the stone was the it had a glyph of warding upon it. The glyph was of the blast type. In addition to the normal trigger conditions for a glyph of warding, the caster could also assign a trigger in which the glyph activated if the pillar received any damage. Once the glyph of warding was activated, the spell was complete and the pillar of stone destroyed.[1]


In addition to verbal and somatic components, this spell required a material component, a vial of blessed water.[1]


