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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Running of the Saurs was an event held in Port Nyanzaru in Chult as of the late 15th century DR. It was not to be confused with—and was significantly more dangerous than—the city's famous dinosaur races.[1]

Clear the streets! The Running of the Saurs is upon us![1]


In the annual Running of the Saurs, a wide variety of rider-less dinosaurs—including stegosauruses, triceratopses, and dimetrodons—were let loose to run through the city as locals and visitors evaded them. The stampeding river of dinosaurs smashed timbers, swept up fruits, flattened baskets, and generally made a mess of the streets. Cleaning up afterward was not a quick process.[1]

Local sailors and citizens partook in watching or running, and shops closed during the event. The chaos also made the event well-suited for thieves and burglars to ply their trades.[1]


While the event was chaotic, the dinosaurs ran from the Market Ward through the Merchants' Ward and into the Old City. Places like the Grand Souk were well-protected against the dinosaurs, and provided safe haven for people trying to escape them.[1]


The Running of the Saurs seems to bring out all sorts of misplaced ambition in folks.

When the Running of the Saurs was held during the time of the death curse,[note 1] the event was marked both by a large amount of banditry—with some pirates even trying to shake down the high priestess at the Hall of Gold—as well as the appearance of undead in the Old City, which caused the panicking and confused dinosaurs to reverse direction and flood back into Port Nyanzaru.[1]



  1. Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Tomb of Annihilation (or its tie-in media), however it is understood to take place sometime between 1488 DR and 1492 DR. The earlier date is based on the fact that Port Nyanzaru is stated to have gained independence from Amn nine years prior to the start of the adventure (p 15), which would be 1488 DR at the earliest given the city was firmly under Amnian control as of 1479 DR (as described in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, p 102). The later date is based on the presence of Volothamp Geddarm, who is promoting the in-universe Volo's Guide to Monsters during the adventure (p 24) but is stated to have concluded his promotional tour and begun a new book as of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (see pp 5, 24), which is understood to be set in 1492 DR. Unless a canon source states otherwise, this wiki will use this range for events related to this sourcebook. The adventure is also assumed to take place concurrently with or slightly after the events of Storm King's Thunder based on the subplot involving frost giants in the service of Jarl Storvald (p 13).



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Codename Entertainment (September 2017). Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. Codename Entertainment.