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Russell Roland held the title of Lord MacIntyre of Ravens Bluff from 1354 DR onward.[1]


Russel Roland was 5′8″ tall and weighed 175 pounds. He was almost impossibly strong and most clothing could not conceal his god-like physique.[1]


Russel had to become very self-reliant after the premature death of his father in 1353 DR when he was 13. He liked to hunt, especially monsters that came too close to civilized areas, and was an avid sportsman. He depended on his own great strength and skill and insisted that no magic be used when hunting, in tournaments, or in duels of honor. He had enough sense to defer to the older lords in the Advisory Council but would speak out when he thought it was important to do so. However, he was often underestimated because of his youth.[1]


Lord Russell's great-grandfather Maldridge MacIntyre was a wizard of renown in the region and was granted a large tract of land outside Ravens Bluff. He then built MacIntyre Manor, a mansion in the city where he lived until his death when the house and holdings passed to his children. Maldridge's daughter was Russell's grandmother. She married Sean Roland and her title and inheritance passed to him. Russell's father was the next Lord MacIntyre and was not a wise steward of his estate, throwing extravagant festivals. His father died suddenly but there was a will that provided for a council of guardians to manage the MacIntyre estate until Russell came of age. Russell suspected them of lining their own pockets with his family's inheritance and was able to obtain solid evidence against them. He overthrew the council and took control of the estate at only age 14.[1]

Russell had a young sister Bevis and two loyal family servants, Challot and Aubergine, husband and wife, who had been at MacIntyre Manor since Roland's father was a young boy. There was also an enigmatic sage named Grimalkin who was a tutor and later a family friend and adviser to Russell.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Richard Rydberg, et al. (August 1989). Gateway to Ravens Bluff, the Living City. Edited by Jean Rabe, Skip Williams, Ed Sollers. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 16–17.