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Samara's Scrimshaw was a scrimshaw shop in the city of Ravens Bluff.[1]


This store was situated in the Silverscales, a neighborhood in the Harbor District of Ravens Bluff.[1]


Starting as a small business, by 1370 DR Samara's Scrimshaw was a very busy and successful shop. It emplyed up to twenty gnome carvers to meet the demand of their bulk business. They provided scrimshaw to businesses in Sembia, Turmish and the Vilhon Reach. The gnome carvers turned bones, shells, teeth and tusks into various types of decorative items. Common products included coffers, handheld mirrors and hairbrushes.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ed Greenwood (October 1998). The City of Ravens Bluff. Edited by John D. Rateliff. (TSR, Inc.), p. 107. ISBN 0-7869-1195-6.