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The sarrukh, also known as the saurians and the progenitors of the Scaled Ones, were an ancient reptilian race that were counted as one of the creator races native to Abeir-Toril. They established the first great civilizations on the supercontinent of Merrouroboros during the Days of Thunder.[6]


They were known to have two forms. One was a bipedal form with a humanoid upper torso, arms, and legs and with a snake-like lower body. The other was a more serpentine form, snake-like heads and bodies, strong arms and clawed hands, and were similar in appearance to some yuan-ti abominations. Both forms were noted for their glowing red eyes that would elicit fear in all reptile kind.[6]


The Sarrukh was the first creator race to rise to power during the early years on the Days of Thunder. In -35,000 DR they established the realm of Okoth to the south of modern-day Mulhorand and within a hundred years, most of Faerûn was theirs. This empire would fall in -34,100 DR after a century of civil strife that drove many sarrukh to the planes.

Around 200 years later, in -34,800 DR, the Sarrukh would establish another realm: Mhairshaulk, on the Chultan Peninsula westward from the Lhairghal to the Jungles of Chult. The Mhairshaulkans are believed to have created nagas, pterafolk, troglodytes, and yuan-ti, as well as numerous other races long since lost.[7]

In -34,500 DR, they established the realm of Isstosseffifil, based in present-day Anauroch. This realm fell in -33,800 DR when in an effort to drown the Phaerlin and dispatch the enemies, an Isstossef wizard rerouted the narrow sea so it ran from east to west to inundate the land around the chain of hills known today as the Tagorlar. While they were successful in driving the phaerimms deep into the underdark, the massive ecological change resulting from their weavings of art caused the Isstosseffifil empire to collapse.[7]

In -34,000 DR, the Ba’etith was born. This was a sarrukh organization that studied the primitive forms of magic practiced by various races. During the Dawn Age, they created the Golden Skins of the World Serpent, known today as the Nether Scrolls.[7]

In -33,500 DR, Sarrukh-ruled Mhairshaulk declined gradually, sinking slowly into somnolence. The empire eventually became the domain of the yuan-ti.[7]

Notable Sarrukh[]



The Fanged Crown



