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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Sauk was a Malarite hunter,[2] and one of the Blades of the Old Man.[3] He was a part of the team that went to look for Kheil and secure the Erael'len in the Northern Shalhoond, conspiring to kill the Old Man of the Mountain.[1]


Sauk was a full head taller than Berun, and well muscled.[1] In 1374 DR, he had cut one scar from the crown of his forehead to his cheek, a luzal unba; he cut two more during Tarsakh.[4][5]


Sauk was violent and cunning, but loyal to a fault, tolerating otherwise impossible annoyances and resistance from Kheil.[6]


When Sauk was fifteen, he killed his father's son. He joined the Blades of the Old Man at some point between then and 1365 DR, when he was a part of the raid on the Yuirwood where Kheil was captured; he considered that the blackest of his life.[6]

After Talieth discovered Kheil was alive, Sauk had sent Taaki to lure him out of the steppes, looking for his aid in slaying the Old Man of the Mountain.[1] After finding him and learning he went by Berun, he told him that Chereth was still alive, that the Old Man of the Mountain drained his druidic powers for his own use in between tortures. Though Berun offered to bring a force of servants of Silvanus, Sauk refused to allow that many outsiders to enter the hidden fortress. To get Berun to go with him, he attempted to threaten Lewan, his apprentice.[2] After Berun's escape attempt ended in him being swallowed by a shambling mound, he took Lewan back to Sentinelspire anyway, expecting him to maybe be of some use.[4]

During a conversation with Talieth, he realized Berun might not have died.[4] He took the occassion of the vigil ordained by the Old Man of the Mountain to murder several blades loyal to the master of Sentinelspire.[7] Later, when Lewan requested to be allowed to purify himself in the wild, it was Sauk that accompanied him; the half-orc offered the young man the chance to flee, if he so desired.[8] He witnessed the exchange between Lewan and the Old Man of the Mountain,[9] then questioned the pupil about it, finally relating this to Talieth.[10]

On the night of Tarsakh 25, he fought several blades loyal to the Old Man,[11] at least one killoren,[12] and was instrumental in defeating the Old Man himself.[13]


Sauk considered Kheil to be closer than a brother, and even cut one luzal unba for him when he thought him dead.[1] He considered only Talieth to be more powerful than he was.[5] His arumwon, or animal companion, was a tiger named Taaki.[1]




