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The Sauringar Tome was a prayer book that belonged to House Sauringar and used in worship of the Slitherer Supreme—the deity Sseth—before 1374 DR.[1]

Yea, let praise be to Sseth. Let honor be given to the Slitherer Supreme. May he bless his faithful children, and may we ever honor his name.
— An excerpt from the Sauringar Tome.[1]


The ancient and well-worn prayer book possessed a minor divine enchantment that improved the owner's protection against poisons.[1]


Most of the Sauringar Tome was written in the Yuan-ti language, and a lot of its contents were unreadable because of age. However, parts of it were scribed in an archaic dialect of Common. What was still readable included prayers and rituals dedicated to the worship of Sseth, the Slitherer Supreme, and sacrificial customs of the tsaa olo, that is, the church's clergy. The text indicated that worshipers of the deity willingly volunteered to de sacrificed by the clergy for the glory of the snake god. The tome also talked about the 'Sacred Way of Sseth' adopted by the yuan-ti people, these being the ways of manipulation and subterfuge to gain power and control.[1]


The temple where the tome was kept in stood deep in the Samarlogh jungles of Samarach. In the late 14th century DR, the yuan-ti House Sauringar turned away from worshiping of Sseth in favor of the more aggressive snake deity Zehir. With it, temples dedicated to Sseth were abandoned. The Sauringar Tome's temple was guarded by Serpentguard D'shai‎ circa the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

