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Scarmar Heldeth was a mage from Athkatla, working as a wizard-for-hire in Cormyr in the late 15th century DR.[1]


He was extremely cautious, and got very skittish when things weren't perfect.[1]


He had at least one blasting spell, and one defensive spell that created a cloud of glowing dust around him.[1]


He carried a paralyzing wand, almost certainly a Wand of paralyzation.[1]


He was a wizard for hire.[1]


During the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, he was hired by Traevyn Illance, but only for one evening.[1]


Traevyn Illance hired him for an evening after the disaster in the Council of the Dragon of 1479 DR, to capture Rauligus Helderstone. Scarmar Heldeth, together with Morligul Downdagger, assaulted the home where the man was staying, and took him captive; along the way, they also captured Storm Silverhand and slew everyone there, save for the War Wizard Reldyk Applecrown, whose comatose body was actually harboring the mind of Elminster Aumar.[1]

However, knowing they had failed to capture or slay one of the people there, Scarmar Heldeth decided to flee the city, fearful of what the loose end may bring; he had already been paid, and was less trusting of Traevyn Illance's loyalty than his companion Downdagger was. He even cast a protective spell before leaving, not trusting Downdagger.[1]



Novels & Short Stories


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 29, pp. 277–279. ISBN 0786958154.