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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Scything Claw tribe was a kobold nest[1] that resided in the Aphrunn Mountains on the southern border of Turmish in the Vilhon Reach.[2]


The Scything Claw nest was numbered at approximately 700 kobolds with around 250 females and children. The tribe's military force excluded the females and youths, numbering at 450 warriors.[3]


By 1358 DR, the Scrying Claw had been under leadership of Chief Greshlyrr for a decade. The chieftain was a cruel, strong, individual who enjoyed seeing others suffer, but he felt responsible for the kobolds under his leadership. The nest flourished under Greshlyrr's rule, reaching levels of civilization rare among kobolds. Kurtulmak-fearing kobolds of the Scrying Claw were convinced that Greshlyrr bore blessing of the deity and followed his lead with devotion.[1]

Greshlyrr forged a truce between his tribe and the town of Gildenglade following several years of fruitless skirmishes.[3]


In the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, a group of adventurers by chance stumbled into a lair of the kobold Scything Claw tribe. The lair was poorly defended at the time due to an ongoing raid into goblin territories. The adventurers defeated the guards and looted the kobolds' treasures. Unbeknownst to the adventurers, the town of Gildenglade had a truce with the Scything Claw tribe that had been in place for many years. The truce was a challenging achievement after Gildenglade and the kobolds spent years on skirmishes and attacks against each other. Gildenglade ordered the adventurers to return the loot in fear of a war with chief Greshlyrr's kobolds. However, Scything Claw tribe thought the raid was a grave offense, and Greshlyrr led an assault on the town of Gildenglade.[1]

As of the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR, the Scything Claw remained a nuisance for Turmish's militia. On occasion, the tribe's kobolds helmed raids on Turmishan settlements and clashed with town defenses.[2]



Swords of the Iron Legion

