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Shaele's Shields was a prosperous mercenary company from Murghôm, led by Shaele Flamehair in the late 15th century DR.[1]


Shaele's Shields, like all other mercenary companies of Murghôm was established by the country's military veterans who were forced into this line of work by the army reduction by decrees of the Princes of Murghôm. All companies, Shaele's Shields included, were not bigger than 40 ex-military members in the full employment of the organization.[1]

The company's insignia was the image of three orange shields, arranged in a horizontal line. The middle shield overlapped with its neighbors.[1]


By the late 15thcentury DR, under the command of the notorious mercenary leader Shaele Flamehair and her bold actions, Shaele's Shields became the most expensive and busiest company of Murghôm.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ed Greenwood (2023-01-07). Murghôm Mercenary Companies (Tweet). theedverse. Twitter. Archived from the original on 2023-01-07. Retrieved on 2023-01-07.