Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The shakes, also known as seizure, was a disease that caused involuntary movements and spasms.[1][2][3]


The disease was contagious. It spread via contact with an infected individual, and the incubation period was a mere one day.[1]


The shakes caused the diseased person's body to shake with uncontrollable fits, tremors, and twitches, which was accompanied by a loss of agility.[1][2] The disease made it difficult to execute tasks requiring finesse or reflexes.[3] As the disease progressed, it could lead to reduced mobility and ultimately to paralysis.[2]

A healthy immune system could fight off the disease in as little as two days.[1] Magically inflicted versions of the disease could last for seven days.[3]


Unwary explorers in Mulmaster ran the risk of contracting the shakes in the sewers.[4] The disease could also be found in the Underdark.[5]

The shakes was one of many illnesses that could be afflicted by the contagion spell.[3][6] By the 14th century DR, a spell called contagious fog had been developed in the Underdark that caused victims of it to be infected with the shakes without any incubation period.[7]


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