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Shanna of the Ride was a human adventurer and member of the Emerald Swords company in the late 1360's DR. She specialised in horseback riding.[1]


She was a tall woman at 6'3", and had tanned skin and long brown hair.[1]


Shanna was a rude, ill-tempered woman.[1]


Shanna wore leather armor, and carried an enchanted +4 bastard sword and a longbow she used flight arrows with. Her strength was boosted by gauntlets of ogre power. She kept a fast horse to ride and fight from.[1]


In 1369 DR, Shanna and the Emerald Swords were guests at Thistleflame Keep in Suzail. They conspired to kidnap Lord Partic Thistle and hand him over to Zhentil Keep for questioning, and had Xixis the doppelganger impersonate Lord Thistle to allow them to escape without suspicion. When Xixis risked carelessly ruining the plan, Gandegar Armstrong had Haridyn Storm kill Xixis with a dagger of venom, so that the Lord's murder would cover up his kidnapping. Despite their best attempts at diversion, the Emerald Swords were caught and Lord Thistle rescued. For their murder and kidnapping, they risked exile or execution for their crimes.[2][3]



Four from Cormyr


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 John Terra (November 1997). Four from Cormyr. Edited by Kim Mohan. (TSR, Inc.), p. 34. ISBN 0-7869-0646-4.
  2. John Terra (November 1997). Four from Cormyr. Edited by Kim Mohan. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 46–47. ISBN 0-7869-0646-4.
  3. John Terra (November 1997). Four from Cormyr. Edited by Kim Mohan. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 53–54. ISBN 0-7869-0646-4.