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The Sharpstick clan was a tribe of ormyrr who resided in the ruins of Myth Drannor in the mid-14th century DR.[1]


The Sharpstick clan had a tribal structure with a chieftain, merchants who traded with outsiders, scavengers constantly looking for magical items, and lore keepers.[1]

Base of Operations[]

The ormyrr made a home in the ruins of the Myth Drannor. The tribe held land in the swampy areas of Sullymarsh, as hell as more private and defensible quarters in the Deep Halls of the Dwarven Dungeons.[1]


Even though ormyrr lived a humble life, they compulsively collected magical items found in abundance within the City of Song's ruins. These items were used for self-defense, as well as trading with friendly visitors and adventurers.[1]


Sharpstick clan was friendly to visitors and openly traded with the friends of the clan. The Cult of the Dragon once abused their friendliness, leaving the ormyrr hostile towards the cultists. Sharpstick was at odds with the orcs and orogs under Mol the Great and commander Zud's leadership who challenged the slug-like humanoids over the territory. The ormyrr were hostile towards the lizardfolk of a mysterious sorcerer Malgi Hi.[1]

After the Veiled Ones, an adventuring group from Phlan, aided the Sharpsticks, they became close allies, allowing them access to the ormyrr traders, healers, and loremasters.[1]


It was unknown where the ormyrr of Myth Drannor came from, but by 1369 DR Sharpstick clan was well-established within the ruins of the city when the adversity came with the Cult of the Dragon. The cultists took hold of Myth Drannor to capture the pool of radiance under Castle Cormanthor. Through the power of the pool, the Cult corrupted the mythal and started spreading its vile mind control through spawn pools. The members of the Cult abused the ormyrr friendliness. The agents approached the Sharpsticks bearing gifts, an enchanted axe that was connected to the pool as its anchor. Ormyrr were unable to resist the gift of magic and accepted. One of the tribe, Pujik, started hearing maddening whispers from the axe. The corruption slowly drove Pujik mad and led to the eruption of a spawn pool that empowered enthralled ormyrr. Pujik announced himself to be the King of All and drove chieftain Retha and sane ormyrr away. Pujik became the servant of Kya Mordrayn and the pool of radiance, spreading their corruption.[1]

Eventually, a group of heroes arrived at the ruins, the Veiled Ones. They were on the quest of stopping the pool's corruption, and subsequently, they came across the friendly Sharpstick clan members. Chief Retha asked the stick-legs to help reclaim the clan's territory from the warring tribe of orcs. The heroes came across Pujik, who claimed to be the king of ormyrr. The usurper asked the adventurers to slay "evil" ormyrr nearby, but the heroes found out that the king was enthralled by the Cult of the Dragon and slain him and his two guards. With the thralls gone and the enchanted axe shattered, the spawn pool receded back into the depths of the dungeons. The ormyrr were thankful for removing the evil leader and offered the heroes access to the clan's healers, merchants, and loremaster who shared his tales of the ruins.[1]


  • Flem: the loremaster of the Sharpstick clan.[1]
  • Geb: one of the magic item hunters of the clan who was rescued by the Veiled Ones after getting lost in the undead infested areas of the Dwarven Dungeons.[1]
  • Pujik: the usurper of the Sharpstick leadership who was enthralled by the pool of radiance's mind-altering magic.[1]
  • Retha: the chieftain of the Sharpstick clan circa 1369 DR.[1]
  • Samaj: one of the merchants of the tribe, who traded with the adventurers the excess of scavenged magic.[1]



Video Games
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor

