Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Shepherd's Valley was a small and obscure community that consisted of halflings and gnomes that existed as early as 881 DR.[1]


Shepherd's Valley had its watch broken into Day Watch and Night Watch with the captains of each passing along the item that was the village's main claim to fame, the Helm of the Trusted Defender.[1]


Shepherd's Valley was mainly known for the magical helmet usable only by gnomes and halflings that was created there. Eventually, more than four hundred years after it was created, the helmet found its way to an unlikely place, Kuldahar of Icewind Dale.[1]

Notable Locations[]

  • Gibling Armstrong's Curious Shoppe: the store that owned the helm of the Trusted Defender for some time after it was traded away by one of the town's watch captains.[1]


  • Pheldon Tock: the infamous watch captain who traded the helm of the Trusted Defender to Gibling Armstrong's Curious Shoppe.[1]



Video Games
Referenced only
Icewind Dale

