Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Sibylites were specialty priests devoted to Savras, the All-Seeing One.[1]


They spent much of their time in meditation seeking glimpses of the future.[1]


In addition to divine magic spells, all sibylites could cast arcane spells from the divination school. Instead of memorizing these spells like a wizard, a sibylite would pray for them.[1]

They gained a number of special powers depending on their advancement including augury, clairvoyance, detect lie, cure blindness, true seeing, magic font, reflecting pool, and consequence.[1]

All sibylites eventually became immune to being surprised during combat or sneaked up on. Especially powerful sibylites could automatically perceive a target's true form regardless of any cloaking spells.[1]


Sibylites did not wear armor, but could wield any bludgeoning weapon of their choice.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 50–51. ISBN 978-0786906574.