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Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters is an anthology by Ed Greenwood featuring a novella from the perspective of each of the Seven Sisters.

Rise, and be not afraid. Widespread and many-tentacled is the evil that threatens Faerûn. Before its heart can be found, all of the Seven Sisters will play a part, and all too much blood will be spilled...drow blood.



No More in Armor for My Sake: Mirt meets Dove Falconhand and warns her of drow infiltrating Scornubel disguised as surface dwellers. Dove investigates in the guise of a drow noble, finding a drow trader named Sarltan, but she is exposed and forced to kill a whole group of drow. After the battle, she finds Sarltan has been killed with a magic-dead dagger. Dove decides that a drow expert is needed to continue the investigation.

Dark Dancer, Bright Dance: Qilué Veladorn is dancing with other priestesses of Eilistraee at the Ladystone in Ardeep Forest when Dove interrupts the proceeding by trying to join. Despite some hostility and mistrust from the other priestesses, Qilué agrees to investigate Scornubel. She takes the place of one of the drow impersonators, discovering Daerdatha, a drow spellcaster, is one of the drow leaders. She learns that the humans are being taken into slavery in Chult. However, her cover is blown at a party when she tries to stop a human from being abducted and replaced. She is wounded by the drow, who attempt to drown her, but she survives due to waterbreathing magic and escapes, managing to form a mental link to Brelma, one of the drow, in the process. She follows Brelma to a noble ball in Waterdeep, encountering a Harper known as Dauntless, and witnesses a meeting between Brelma and Mrilla Malsander, an ambitious merchant. Qilué realizes that the investigation needs an expert on Waterdeep to continue, and enters Blackstaff Tower to speak with Laeral Silverhand.

Lady Cassalanter's Busy Day: Laeral agrees to help Qilué investigate, and they pursue Brelma. Khelben Arunsun sends Mirt and Dauntless to follow and observe. Laeral and Qilué follow Brelma to Skullport, where she leads them into a trap. The resulting battle is observed by two mysterious figures. The Chosen follow two of the mercenaries who survived the attack to the cellar of Auvrarn Labraster, another merchant. Qilué returns to her duties as a Chosen of Eilistraee while Laeral investigates Mrilla in the guise of Sylull Cassalanter, learning that Mrilla knows nothing of the larger plan. Laeral then goes to Auvrarn’s house, where she encounters various traps and finds she is being followed by Elaith Craulnober, who tells her Auvrarn has left for Silverymoon. Laeral tries to scry on Auvrarn but is caught in a spelltrap left by Halaster Blackcloak, which nearly destroys her until Khelben helps her regenerate her body.

When a Good Man Loses His Head: Alustriel Silverhand is informed by Taern Hornblade that Garthin Murthree, Tradelord from Neverwinter, has been murdered, torn to shreds by what seems like a great beast. After inspecting the crime scene, she learns that Garthin met with a number of people including the merchant Draevin Flarwood and Auvrarn Labraster. Laeral mentally contacts Alustriel, filling her in on Auvrarn’s connection to Mrilla Malsander and the drow conspiracy. Alustriel questions the suspects, learning that Draevin never met with Murthree and concluding it must have been someone disguised as him. Auvrarn denies the crime but mentions how dismembered the body was, a detail he shouldn't have known, so Alustriel confronts him in his chambers. He triggers some sort of teleportation magic, replacing himself with an umber hulk that Alustriel realizes was responsible for Murthree’s death. The teleportation continues to cycle, as Alustriel defeats each opponent only for them to be vanished and replaced with another. After the umber hulk, Azmyrandyr, a Red Wizards of Thay, appears. Once he is defeated, he is replaced by Roeblen, who is in turn replaced by Thaltar, both also Red Wizards. When all three have been defeated, Auvrarn reappears, but Alustriel has been badly wounded in the battle, and he is able to grapple with her. She plants a small object on him before he triggers a teleportation ring and escapes.

The Haunting of Blandras Nuin: Syluné possesses Auvrarn, having been transferred into him through Alustriel’s silver fire and a fragment of stone from Syluné’s fireplace that Alustriel planted on Auvrarn. She follows him to a cabin where he meets with Meira, a priestess of Shar. Meira takes several precautions to prevent him from being tracked, including giving him a dead magic ring that prevents Syluné from reading his thoughts and emotions and disguising his appearance. She briefly disguises him as Azoun Obarskyr IV before deciding Auvrarn cannot pull off such a disguise, and instead changes his appearance to that of Blandras Nuin, a textile merchant she sacrificed to Shar. Syluné follows Auvrarn as he meets with a mysterious figure who discusses the deaths in Scornubel and tells him to be patient. Syluné observes him for months as he assumes his new identity, until after a drunken night he finally takes off his magic dead ring. Syluné appears as Alaithe, a chambermaid Auvrarn murdered, to scare him into telling all he knows of the conspiracy. She then contacts the Simbul to send her after the three Red Wizards.

Wizard Hunting Season: The Simbul calls four apprentices together and turns over the rule of Aglarond to them, while she begins hunting Red Wizards. She kills Roeblen through a trapped scrying orb, then kills Azymrandyr along with his apprentices, who are training to replace prominent citizens in Nimpeth. She also kills several nearby priests of Shar and other Red Wizards. She then confronts Thaltar, seemingly dying in combat with him. Auvrarn is cared for by a mysterious mage with a green ring, who pulled him out of Blandras Nuin’s house after the Simbul destroyed it. Thaltar claims a wand from the body and brings it to a meeting of conspirators, including Red Wizards and Sharran clergy, gathered to address the recent deaths of Roeblen and Azymrandyr. The Simbul, having faked her death, emerges from the wand and kills all present, while the mage caring for Auvrarn watches from an orb above. Wounded, the Simbul calls on Elminster for aid.

Not Just Any Mage in a Storm: Maervidal Iloster, a scribe and Harper agent in Shadowdale, has been discovered by the Zhentarim and fears for his life. He encounters Storm Silverhand, explaining his situation. They swap appearances, and Storm allows herself to be captured. While seemingly captured, Syluné contacts her and instructs her to track down Halaster Blackcloak, the mage seemingly behind the conspiracy. Storm wipes out the Zhentarim with the help of local Harpers, sparing only Taerach Thone, a Zhent assassin she discovers is the secret author of the Heartsteel books, a series enjoyed by her and Syluné. Storm confronts Halaster, learning that he has been corrupted by Shar in an effort to claim some of Mystra’s silver fire. Storm is injured but frees Halaster’s mind, although she is nearly killed. Dauntless and Mirt teleport in, confronting Auvrarn Labraster as he has been taken over by the power of Shar, but Elaith Craulnobur arrives and kills him. The other Sisters and Elminster arrive along with Thone arrive and save Storm. Qilué kisses Elaith.


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Adluck DreenAlaitheAliphar MoongulAlustriel SilverhandAmalraeAnastra Syluné SilverhandAnlaervrith MrantarrAuvrarn LabrasterAzmyrandyrBaeradenBlandras NuinBlaskar ToldovarBrelmaBriion DargrantBurgelCalivar MurpethCathlona TabbartanChaladoanaDaeraudeDaerdatha "Darkspells"Dauphran AlskyteDlamaerztusDove FalconhandDraevin FlarwoodDumathchess IlchaosDurstraEirgelElaith CraulnoberElminsterEmveolstoneErovas VrakenntunEvenyl NathtalondGarthin MuirtreeGhaladdythGustal SoroldHalaster BlackcloakBlaeragh RidranusHalonder EldeglutHarkonHelbondelIerembreeIlnabbathImberInder DunseltreeIrlmarrenIsrylIyleth LloodrunIylinvyx Nrel'tabraIyrevven EldeglutIyrtaryldJanthasarde IlbrightJalarnKarlaeKhelben ArunsunKhlemmerKuldenLaeral SilverhandLargrond of the LashLlanshaMaeldurMaervidal IlosterMalvaran OlnarrMarlus BelraebloodMeira the DarkMirtMrilla MalsanderNalambraNamra DunseltreeNildon BaraejheNorlarramNuelvar FaeroenelOleirOlorusOrthOscalar MaerbreeQilué VeladornPeldrenPhaeldaraQuaerleszQuztyrRandal IronguardRaelus UstarrenReshresmaRessrilRildar SurtlashRindeeRoeblenRorildRostinRungo BaerlanSamshinSarltanSimbulSimylra LavartilSkloonStaenynStilardStorm SilverhandStrabbin StillcornSyldarSylull CassalanterTaelTaerach ThoneTaern HornbladeTalanthaThalaeraThaltar GlaervarThe Masked OneThorneira ThalanceToarin KlustoonTrennan BeldruskVelrultVeltheeraWelver ThauburnWorvor DrezilWyndal ThoneYlondan the Tall
Referenced only
Abranthar ForaerenAndrethAzoun IVBelbradyn TralaerBrezterDanilo ThannEmveolstoneHalcedon MuirynIlder TaramontIyritar SarsharmJhaele SilvermaneManshoonMourngrym AmcathraNosterBelinjuk TravvanReld BarunenailSarnjackTalantherUldurn MaskovertZantravas Rolovantar


beholderdrowhobgoblinillithidmoonwraithumber hulk
Referenced only


Braeder Merchant CollectiveHarpersHouse MalsanderLords of WaterdeepRed Wizards of ThaySeven SistersSofter TapestriesSpellguardZhentarim
Referenced only
Five Hungry LightningsHouse Nrel'tabraLords' AllianceTwelve TalonsWar WizardsWatchful Order Of Magists and Protectors


Buildings & Sites
Barsimber's ArchBlack BowlBlackmanaclesBlackstaff TowerBowl of SerpentsBrossfeather TowersCata's PumpChamber of the Hunting HornChasper's Trading TowerCity of the DeadCrown & Raven ScrivenersGlasgirt's HallHigh PalaceHowling HeraldMoonshot TankardRed Griffon RoomNorth Ward of WaterdeepRolling WheelTen Tapestries ChamberTwilight ChamberWarmfires HouseWindpennant Pillars
Referenced only
Black Baron InnBonskil's AcademyHosttowerNorthendOld Skull InnTwisted BridgeTwisted TowerUndermountain
Referenced only
AmnBorder KingdomsCormyrHalruaaHillsfarMirabarMistledaleMoonlandsNetherilNimpethTashalarSembia
Referenced only
AshabenfordBaldur's GateBezanturCalimportEverlundHillsfarLongsaddleLuskanNimpethOrdulinPort LlastTelflammTeshwaveTilvertonTelnarquelTharsultTyraturosVoonlarWestgateZhentil Keep
Boldshoulder StreetDelsart's DriveLong RoadNorthriver RoadPelmuth's DrawPrendle StreetSpurnserpent Street
Ardeep ForestGoblintide RiverRiver Chionthar
Referenced only
ChultGreat GlacierHigh ForestRaurinRiver AshabaSea of Fallen StarsUnderdark


anti-magic shellblade barrierfeeblemindfireballfleshfirehungry mouthLaeral's cutting handmagic missilemeteor swarmshield of AzuthSpider of Sharstaff of Silverymoonsword of feeblemindingwall of forcewild magic


Referenced only


Ballads, Songs, & Dramas
A Dove At DawnLord Alurmal's Double-Edged RevengeThe Elf Queen's Peculiar Pleasure
Blackserpent's CaressThe Dragon's Gentle ClawForty Years Before the Doors: A Life in ServiceHeartsteel books • Heart in a Clenched GuantletI Harp as I See ItKisses Like IronRedwyrm's RevengeThe Roads Beyond FaerûnThe Silk Mask SagaTower Sundered at MidnightA Trader from Telflamm: My Years Amid High-Heaped GoldThe View from Secomber: Musings on the Years to ComeWaterdeep WatchWhy I Am a Harper
Azuth's Seven Mysteriesfluttercap mushroomhammerscale roekaurdylLadystoneMageFairOld Raw ComfortsaishaSharaerann amber wineslavesleep winesleep-salarnStarlartarn wineWeaveWeavesight



External Links[]

Sample chapter (archived on 2005-02-07)

