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Sithierel was a shadar-kai hexblade who piloted the Necreme in the Shadow Swamp in the Plane of Shadow in the early 1370s DR on behalf of the church of Shar there.[1][2]


Serving Kithlord Thieraven, Sithierel was most likely the shadar-kai who led the black dragon Despayr through the Shadow Swamp to the Monastery of the Ebon Dome for a meeting with the priestess of Shar, Esvele Graycastle, in the early 1370s DR.[3]

Thereafter, he ferried duped petitioners of the Temple of Mystra in Wheloon over the Shadow Swamp to their ultimate fates.[1][2]

Finally, in early Eleint of the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Sithierel may have been defeated by adventurers in service to Mystra investigating the Sharrans' activities, though he would try to escape and warn his allies.[1][2]


Operating the Necreme as a ferry over the Whispermere through the Shadow Swamp, Sithierel's duty was to transport captives from the Shadow Citadel to the Monastery of the Ebon Dome. The trip took around 10 hours. He made his journey every two days, and rested for a night at the monastery. Along the way, he refilled the beacons that lit the route with shadowlight oil and restocked on oil at the monastery.[2] He also occasionally took Sharran leaders to the Shadowscale Warren on the dark lake.[4]


Like other shadar-kai, Sithierel was tall with black hair and dusky gray skin.[1] He was particularly gaunt of build, even for a shadar-kai.[2] Purple tattoos covered his face and he had iron piercings in his ears and arms, and he had a rasping voice.[1]


He was a dour and surly fellow, as well as suspicious and taciturn, not easily taken in by trickery.[2]


With the powers of a shadar-kai and a hexblade, he was a nimble warrior proficient with the spiked chain.[1]


He was aided by the dusk beast Grask as a companion and guard dog.[2]


In battle, Sithierel was armed with a +1 spiked chain and a composite shortbow with well-made arrows. He wore a +1 mithral chain shirt and a gal-ralan. He kept a potion of cure moderate wounds on his person.[1]

His largest possession was the Necreme and its command amulet that he wore.[2]

Aboard the ship, he stored his wealth and treasures, including a scroll of blur.[2][1]

He also owned a fine dragonbone lyre given to him by Esvele and Thieraven. When he played a certain tune on it, the guardian at Black Tree Bend would become subdued.[2]


