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Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Sleeping gas was a tool used by some rogues to deal with pesky guards.[1]


Sleeping gas was stored in easily breakable flasks that would put most guards to sleep as soon as they smelled it. Transporting the gas could be a risky venture for careless thieves if the flask broke while in their possession.[1]

Available in three levels of potency, depending on the size of the target, sleep gas was often used by thieves or other intruders to temporarily incapacitate guards without harming them. The flask of sleep gas was simply tossed and shattered near the target and quickly took effect.[1]


The cost of sleeping gas depended on the size. A flask of sleeping gas suitable to knock-out a smaller guard cost 5 gold. A flask for a regular sized guard cost 10 gold. Any kind of guard over 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall required a large flask costing 20 gold.[1]

Notable Users[]

  • Flirin, a restaurateur in Ravens Bluff, kept a small portion of her wealth within a box that was booby-trapped with sleeping gas.[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Jeff Grubb, Julia Martin, Steven E. Schend et al (1992). Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue. (TSR, Inc), p. 15. ISBN 0-5607-6327-2.
  2. Phillip A. Dyer, et al. (August 1991). Port of Ravens Bluff. Edited by Jean Rabe, Skip Williams, David Wise. (TSR, Inc.), p. 31. ISBN 1-56076-120-2.