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Smiler, or Smiler the Defiler, was an insane fey eladrin adventurer who was the leader of Smiler's Defilers.[1]


Circa 1424 DR, Smiler and his companions ventured into Avernus from the Feywild. His associates left him there, and from then on, he roamed the first layer of Baator. Some time later, the Defiler sold his soul to a pit fiend. Using the power granted to him by the great baatezu, he took control of a warband previously lead by Yarrasto, a sky demon. The gang had access to multiple infernal war machines, and started to get on the nerves of other warbands and their leaders.[1]

Due to Smiler's antics, a trio of warlords—Feonor, Princeps Kovik, and Bitter Breath—ganged up on him and his warband. The eladrin, however, managed to escape by riding away on a Devil's Ride.[1]

After his escape, by 1492 DR,[note 1] he attempted to get Mad Maggie to help him get vengeance on the warlord trio.[1]


Smiler was an evil eladrin warlord who was said to have an unnerving grin.[1]


The Defiler was somewhat insane, being absolutely reckless, but ultimately positive. Smiler would sometimes use hallucinatory terrain to make an illusory version of a forest of his original home. Within, he would meditate and concoct plots to deceive his foes. He believed he could achieve anything, but also realized that this way of thinking might be the death of him.[1]

Despite his insanity, Smiler was actually rather intelligent and charismatic. Owing to this, he was able to easily persuade foes into doing what he wished, as well as simply deceiving them.[1]

The Defiler was known to pee into the hot wind, as well as drive a two-wheeled infernal war machine.[1][note 2]


The chaotic eladrin was a fairly competent combatant, able to attack quickly with his enchanted sword, and cast many spells at will. Amongst his spell list was Otto's irresistible dance, enthrall, confusion, suggestion, and Tasha's hideous laughter.[1]


The warlord wore +2 leather armor, and wielded a +1 shortsword. He carried seven soul coins.[1]


Smiler was allied with Mad Maggie, but did not wish to join her crew.[1]



  1. Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus is set in 1492 DR per the "Baldur's Gate Gazetteer" section (p. 159) and a clarification from the adventure's lead writer. Baldur's Gate III, which is a direct sequel to Descent into Avernus set immediately after its events, is also set in 1492 DR. In an apparent error, pages 7 and 47 of Descent into Avernus describes certain events as occurring "fifty years" after 1444 DR (1494 DR).
  2. The description in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus that introduces Smiler has two notable typos. The first is "You see an two-wheeled infernal war machine". The second is "Standing atop the rock, peeing into the hot wind, is a slender elf-like figure." While this might be meant to be "peering", one could consider that the notably insane and reckless Defiler might well do such an insane and reckless self-defiling thing.


Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Video Games
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

