Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Sorceller's Encapsulate was the local guild and school comprised those spellcasters who lived in the town of Daggerford.[1]


The guild regulated the magic trade within Daggerford. They only allowed spellcasters of a similar level of expertise and knowledge to trade with one another, for the safety of its more novice members.[1]

Base of Operations[]

The Sorceller's guildhall was located in Daggerford's Caravan Quarter near the Caravan Gate.[2] The building of the guild was a tall three-story building with it's main hall and entrance located up the stairs on the second floor.[1][3] The main hall was decorated with a huge majestic circle of magic that glimmer and radiated arcane energy. The city's library was located on the first floor of the guildhall and was accessible via a stairwell from the main hall. The third floor was magically sealed off from anyone who was not the member of Sorceller's Encapsulate and was accessible via a sealed and warded door to the stairwell leading up.[3]


All types of arcane and divine spellcasters were allowed to join the guild.[1]

Notable Members[]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

