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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Sorrow's Tear was a unique ghostly dagger created out of a ghost's tear by Elytharra Dinnesmore of Targos in the early 14th century DR.[1]


This dagger was a weightless ethereal silver blade. The weapon's magic came from the ghostly's tear and the feelings of sorrow and relief that it contained. When the blade landed a stab, it had a chance of transferring the ghost's suffering anguish onto the target. The weapon possessed a +2 enchantment that was especially deadly to incorporeal undead creatures.[1]


In the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR, the goblin slayers of Targos may have aided Cahl-Hyred, the innkeeper of the Weeping Widow Inn, to aid the establishment's namesake. The weeping ghost was the widow Veira who waited for her husband, who perished in Maer Dualdon in years past. When she was shown a piece of Veira's Gaze, the ghost gifted adventurers a single ghostly tear as a thank you. Later, enchantress Elytharra Dinnesmore offered to use the tear's magic and shape it into a magical spectral blade.[1]



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