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Space Lairs is an accessory for the Spelljammer Campaign Setting. It was the last installment of Spelljammer Reference (SJR) series of books and the second-to-last book in AD&D's line of Spelljammer books.

Avast, me hearties, and listen to me tales o' monsters that lair in the vastness of wildspace and the fiery streams o' the phlogiston. Great and terrible beasties they be, just waitin' for a daring band o' adventurers to stumble upon 'em - or seek them out! Here's a toast to those brave enough to face the challenge!


Space Lairs was written by Nicky Rea and Wes Nicholson, with cover and interior art by David O. Miller, and cartography by John Knecht. It is an anthology of fourteen mini-adventures, with most running 3-4 pages long, designed to be easily inserted into any Spelljammer campaign. Arranged in descending order of difficulty, these encounters are designed to accommodate a broad range of player levels. In a manner similar to Book of Lairs and Book of Lairs II, each mini-adventure is predicated by a "Setup", followed by a "Lair", with each being related to a specific monster. One of these adventures, "Dwellers in the Vortex", has a connection to the Forgotten Realms through the Shou.


  • How to use Space Lairs
  • The Good Ship Gump (Colossus)
  • Deadly Riddles (Astrosphinx)
  • The Deathspider (Syllix)
  • A Breath of Fresh Air (Phlog-crawler)
  • The Scam (Space Mimic)
  • The Iron Hive (Clockwork Horrors)
  • Up, Up, and Away (Puffers)
  • Join Us (Survivor)
  • Marooned (Vampires)
  • Pirates of the Shattered Forge (Pirates of Gith)
  • A Lair of Flame (Firelich)
  • Dwellers in the Vortex (Radiant Golem)
  • The Mortiss Ship (Stellar Undead)
  • Base of Woes


  • Rock of Bral Poster


Only the adventure Dwellers in the Vortex is indexed below.
Click here for index


Referenced only
Emperor of Shou Lung


radiant golem
Referenced only
gnome • orbus
Creatures encountered only as corpses
beholder • dwarf • human • illithid • neogi • umber hulk


Food & Drinks
cinnamon • elven wine
bronze • cloth • copper • gem • gold • oak • obsidian • platinum • sail cloth • semi-precious stones • silk • silver • steel • teak
ballistae • bombard • catapult • greek fire projector • jettison • ram (spelljammer)
book • chest • keg • steam engine
Referenced only
gold piece


The Beholder • Black Widow • Cockleshell • High Roller • Huntsman • Imperial Court • Imperial Trader • Iron Wheel XIV • Merchant of Space • Mutant Eliminator • Omen • Open Claw • Phlogiston Trader • Pirate's Doom • Queen of Spheres • San Marquez • Shark of the Void • Steam Wheel XII • Trapdoor • Wildspace
Referenced only


spelljamming helm (lifejammer)
Referenced only
create major helm • enhance rating • spell scroll


Referenced only
Company of the Flaming Arrow



  • Authors: Nicky Rea and Wes Nicholson
  • Editor: Sue Weinlein
  • Project Coordinator: Dori Jean Watry
  • Cover and Interior Artist: David O. Miller
  • Cartographer: John Knecht
  • Armada Design: Andrew Allen
  • Typography: Angelika Lokotz



External links[]

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