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Sshumath Daerindra was a drow half-deep dragon that roamed the Deep Wastes in the Underdark.[1]


As a half-deep dragon, Sshumath's features were distinctly draconic compared to other drow; he had clawed hands and vicious fangs.[4]


Highly confident and unusually inquisitive, Sshumath was an oddity in the Underdark because he was generally more interested in talking to those he encountered than fighting them.[1]


Like other half-deep dragons, Sshumath could expel a gout of acid that would burn his enemies. In combat he would use haste and invisibility spells to outmaneuver his enemies and bring his fearsome attack spells and greatsword to bear.[1]


Sshumath carried a magic greatsword with him, which he would alternate with his spells in combat.[1]


Very interested in learning new bits of information, Sshumath wandered the Deep Wastes where he would engage those he met with a barrage of questions, but happily repaid news that interested him in kind.[1]


In 1372 DR, when the drow city of Maerimydra fell, Sshumath was well-appraised of the events that unfolded there but was on the look-out for more information about the knock-on effects of its destruction.[1]

