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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The standing deer was a magical chalice. It was one of the Wo-ha Ui-jung, a collection of magical vessels created by the Han people of Koryo in ancient times.[note 1]


It was carved in the shape of a deer and had a deep cup.


The magic of the standing deer was invoked by filling it with rose petals. It could be used to cure blindness and to cast the shukenja spell commune with lesser spirit. Handling the chalice caused its glamor to rub off on the holder, improving their social status as with the spell face.


As one of the Wo-ha Ui-jung, the standing deer's powers had most likely at one stage influenced the history of Koryo. However, it was later lost.

In the mid–14th century DR, King Wanang Sun led an expedition to recover three of the Wo-ha Ui-jung. He was successful, discovering the sitting bull, sitting monkey, and standing deer by 1357 DR.[1][2]



  1. The standing deer is also called "standing monkey", but since there is already a sitting monkey, and the chalices are all of different animals, this is presumed to be an error and that this is a deer after all. Encyclopedia Magica Volume IV, however, reprints this and calls it "standing monkey" twice.

