Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Still Waters was the name of a haunted swamp in the Shadowfell.[1]


The waters were cold and dark, and appeared to be entirely motionless.[1] If any living creature saw its own reflection in these waters, the reflection animated as a spirit of shadow and attempted to strangle the creature that cast it.[2]

The swamp was inhabited. Rickety paths of cut trees connected huts that sat atop stilts.[1]


Still Waters lay along the Shadowfell Road somewhere between Endless Alleys and Veil.[1][3] The road was made of lashed-together logs, and vehicles had to be careful when traversing this stretch. Other paths branched out in different directions, potentially making the road difficult to follow.[1]


The swamp was home to various shadowborn who wore blindfolds so as not to see their own reflections in the waters.[1][2] They lived together in hamlets and traveled the waters on skiffs piloted with long poles. They took no interest in travelers along the Shadowfell Road, and offered no warnings about the dangers of the water.[1]


