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Swords was a four-player card game enjoyed in northwest Faerûn circa the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR. It was often a gambling game and was offered at the High Flagon gambling hall and inn just outside Waterdeep.[1]

Set-Up and Play[]

The game of Swords used a 25-card deck made of four suits of six cards each, plus one card called the Throne or Castle.[1][note 1]



  1. The source goes no further in describing this game, saying only that it was "essentially euchre" with the addition of the extra card that "outranks the Ace". This roughly corresponds to the British variation of the game that adds a "Benny" (in Australia it was known as the "Bird") card that takes on the trump suit once trump has been chosen. Note that the Benny outranks all other trump cards, but the Throne or Castle only outranks the ace (which is the third-highest trump in standard euchre).


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ed Greenwood (December 2002). “Elminster's Guide to the Realms: The High Flagon”. In Jesse Decker ed. Dragon #302 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 77.