The Talanthil Dynasty was the second dynasty to assume power in the nation of Raumathar, reigning from -605 DR to -150 DR. With the sudden deaths of the last remnants of the Nhalass Dynasty killed by demons from Narfell, Raumathar was left without a clear leading family. However, the Talanthil's rose to power during this time with the overwhelming support of the public.[1]
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Vayloss "Fireblood"
- Reigned -605 DR – -559 DR. First Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Corlarth
- Reigned -559 DR – -499 DR. Firstborn son of Vayloss I. Second Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Horlarth
- Reigned -499 DR – -460 DR. Thirdborn son of Corlarth. Third Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Nayloss "Fireyes"
- Reigned -460 DR – -408 DR. Firstborn son of Horlarth. Fourth Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Vayloss II "the Elder"
- Reigned -408 DR – -404 DR. Firstborn son of Nayloss. Fifth First Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Vayloss III "the Younger"
- Reigned -404 DR – -370 DR. Secondborn son of Nayloss. Sixth First Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Mornarth I
- Reigned -370 DR – -323 DR. Firstborn son of Vayloss III. Seventh Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Tallos I "the Windlord"
- Reigned -323 DR – -286 DR. Sole heir of Mornarth I. Eighth Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Arkhan Tallos II
- Reigned -286 DR – -250 DR. Grandson of Tallos I. Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Arkhan Mornarth II
- Reigned -250 DR – -215 DR. Firstborn son of Tallos II. Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Arkhan Tallos III
- Reigned -215 DR – -199 DR. Secondborn son of Tallos II. Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Arkhan Mornarth III
- Reigned -199 DR – -168 DR. Firstborn son and sole heir of Tallos III. Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Tallos IV "the Artificer"
- Reigned -168 DR – -154 DR. Firstborn son of Mornarth III. Ninth Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
- Sorcerer–Arkhan Vayloss IV "the Flamebringer"
- Reigned -154 DR – -150 DR. Secondborn son of Mornarth III. Tenth Sorcerer–Arkhan of Raumathar.
Family Tree[]
- ↑ Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 82. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
Talanthil Dynasty of Raumathar