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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Hello I am wondering where Ched Nasad is in its respective location of the underdark and where It would be on the world above map. If someone could post regarding this matter I would be eternally greatful!

Many Thanks 

-Sinnamon Lightsprocket-

It is somewhat south of Hellgate Keep, between High Wood and the Anauroch. Abouve the city should be the Graypeak Mountains, if I am correct considering the position of Ched Nasad in the map of Drizzts Underdark Guide Historicus 19:13, 13 May 2009 (UTC)
Ched Nasad is located exactly between the southern tip of western spur of the Greypeak Mountains and the River Loagrann, as per the map in Underdark. (Bloodtide 22:10, 14 May 2009 (UTC))