I assume we can safely switch him to half-elf as he's depicted as one in Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford (screenshot: https://twitter.com/Artie_Pavlov/status/1282157017856200705). But there was a second owner of the inn in the game - Demetria Landscaper, who in fact, is a halfling (maybe a gnome).Artyom.pavlov (talk) 03:35, July 12, 2020 (UTC)
- There are unfortunately many race errors both in NWN and the various NWN modules. In this case they got the wrong race from an error in The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier. Fulbar should remain a halfling. --Ir'revrykal (talk) 09:20, July 12, 2020 (UTC)
- No horse in the race. I actually agree with you coz Hardcheese - you cant get more halfling last name than that hahaArtyom.pavlov (talk) 11:55, July 12, 2020 (UTC)