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Forgotten Realms Wiki

I assume we can safely switch him to half-elf as he's depicted as one in Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford (screenshot: But there was a second owner of the inn in the game - Demetria Landscaper, who in fact, is a halfling (maybe a gnome).Artyom.pavlov (talk) 03:35, July 12, 2020 (UTC)

There are unfortunately many race errors both in NWN and the various NWN modules. In this case they got the wrong race from an error in The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier. Fulbar should remain a halfling. --Ir'revrykal (talk) 09:20, July 12, 2020 (UTC)
No horse in the race. I actually agree with you coz Hardcheese - you cant get more halfling last name than that hahaArtyom.pavlov (talk) 11:55, July 12, 2020 (UTC)