Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

I thought all officially licensed game content (video or otherwise) was considered canon?

It's complicated. WotC has changed its policies over the years (which is not terribly unusual for a large company). Most recently Phil Athans, in a Dragon article regarding 4e Realms counted games in the same context of canon as novels (I believe Rich Baker has said something along those lines as well, though I'm not certain) and with the upcoming Neverwinter getting a novel series tie-in by R.A. Salvatore, it seems WotC now feels that games are canon.
However, for the most part they haven't gone to the trouble to sort out the details. For instance, there are large inconsistencies between the Baldur's Gate games and the Baldur's Gate novels. Then, there's the fact that except for rare cases, the games have not been given clear-cut canonical endings (the exceptions are Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2, both of whose endings were casually dealt with in expansion packs). As a result, our current policy is to label all game-derived content that is not backstory as "quasi-canon," with a template for that purpose. Backstory we count as full canon.
You are correct, however, that the current template is incorrect. Ilius' backstory is fully canon for the purposes of this wiki and his in-game activities should be labeled with a specific Demon Stone template, like the {{NWN2}} one. However, such a template does not yet exist (as far as I know). I'll see about making one. Niirfa-sa 02:49, October 19, 2010 (UTC)