Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Hey, thanks for adding the later information to this. I meant to when I started adding the comics, but decided to focus on my existing projects before continuing. There is so much more to add. — BadCatMan (talk) 12:22, November 26, 2014 (UTC)

No problem. My only knowledge of VV came from LoI, but then I stumbled upon the comic series and realized how she used to be the star. Yes, a ton to add! ~ Lhynard (talk) 01:07, November 27, 2014 (UTC)

"Vajra found the tavern had grown rather rowdy and stepped into a brawl, but quelled it with her fierce presence." It's a minor thing, but I think it's quite important, illustrating her aura, reputation, and her past as a bouncer there. Can we keep? Hopefully, I'll cut back on the blow-by-blow accounts in the later, more everyday adventures. — BadCatMan (talk) 11:34, April 6, 2015 (UTC)

That makes some sense. Do you think it might be worked into the Personality section? Use it as an anecdote to support/show her traits. Something like: "Vajra had an amazing fire of presence; on one occasion, she returned to a bar where she once worked as a bouncer and quelled a brawl underway simply by walking in the room." (I don't know if that's exactly right, since I don't have the comics, but that's the idea.) This would expand the Personality section, which never gets any love in articles, and keep the History section from feeling bloated— win, win. What do you think? (This is similar to how you noted in the Abilities section how she carried two people up a cliff.) Obviously, it's your call either way, since you have more authority here. :) ~ Lhynard (talk) 14:48, April 6, 2015 (UTC)
That also makes sense. Once I get the article more-or-less complete and have a good quantity of these character moments, I'd probably go back and revise it, cut some fat, etc. — BadCatMan (talk) 15:11, April 6, 2015 (UTC)


yay, more to read! ~ Lhynard (talk) 10:47, December 9, 2016 (UTC)

Enjoy! — BadCatMan (talk) 11:06, December 9, 2016 (UTC)

Good Article status[]

Nearly complete