Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Tanglefoot bags were a means of throwing an alchemical goo to entangle an enemy.[1]


A tanglefoot bag was usually round and made of leather and weighed about 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms). It was designed in such a way as to open up when thrown to disperse the thick goo inside. The goo hardened rapidly when it came into contact with air, so if it splashed over a creature, it could effectively glue that being to the ground.[1]

A standard tanglefoot bag contained enough alchemical goo to cover a large creature. If thrown upon a flying creature, it would harden around wings and prevent flight. The goo would not harden underwater; it required contact with air.[1]

The hardened goo quickly became brittle after as little as a dozen seconds or so and cracked apart. Universal solvent quickly dissolved it.[1]


Skill in alchemy was required to make a tanglefoot bag.[2]


Tanglefoot bags were typically sold in alchemists' shops for around 50 gold pieces.[1]

Notable Users[]


Races & Sentient Creatures[]

  • Githyanki: this militaristic race of creatures from outside of Toril was known to arm their soldiers and captains with several types of thrown weapons, including tanglefoot bags and thunderstones.[9]


See Also[]



