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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Taporan was a small riverside settlment found in the nation of Rashemen.[1][2]


The town comprised a series of stone buildings lined with cobblestone streets, an arrangement that was rather uncommon among towns and cities in Rashemen.[2] It featured a broad stretch of waterfront docks that were always lined with pole-propelled vessels and other river boats.[1]


The town was situated on the long road that extended south from the Huhrong's Road to the Golden Way, at the point where it crossed with the River Tir.[3]


Taporan was well known for the rowdy fishers and rivermen that conducted their business along the River Tir. Passage on a vessel downriver to Ashane cost 1 gp, with an upriver return trip priced at 3 gp.[1][2]

Notable Locations[]

The White Dragon and Goblin, and Wolf berserker lodges all maintained alehouses in Taporan.[1] The Wolf lodge house was the largest of the three.[2]


While the town's rivermen were quite industrious, they were considered brave and even a bit foolhardy among their fellow Rashemaar. They were fond of boisterous singing and excessive drink, though maintained themselves while on the waters.[1][2]

There were a disproportionate number of berserkers living within Taporan, given its reputation as a fishing community.[2]


